A woman in Uttar Pradesh tragically died from an electric shock while unplugging her phone from its charger on Sunday, according to police reports. The incident occurred in Sarangpur village when 22-year-old Neetu was electrocuted while attempting to remove her phone. Neighbors heard a noise and found her stuck to the phone. They used a stick to separate her and rushed her to the Primary Health Centre in Bansdih, where she was declared dead. Police confirmed she was brought in without signs of life, and no formal complaint has been filed by her family.
In a separate incident, 50-year-old Bindu Devi from Hathaudi village in Ballia district was killed on Saturday evening when she was struck by a paddy harvester machine while working in her field. She succumbed to her injuries during transportation for medical treatment. A case has been filed against the unknown driver of the harvester based on a complaint from Bindu Devi’s husband. The body was sent for a post-mortem examination.
Telangana Man Electrocuted in Sleep
Earlier this year, a 23-year-old man from Telangana, Maloth Anil, was electrocuted in his sleep after coming in contact with a live wire he had placed near his bed to charge his phone. Anil suffered a severe shock while asleep and was rushed to a nearby private hospital before being referred to a government facility, where he later died during treatment.
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