In the election 2024, Bollywood actress and BJP candidate Kangana Ranaut is leading by a substantial margin of 62,077 votes against her closest rival, Vikramaditya Singh of the Congress party, in the Mandi constituency of Himachal Pradesh. Ranaut, who made her political debut with this election, has managed to garner significant support from the electorate, thanks to her strong advocacy for local issues and her high-profile campaign. Her lead in Mandi is seen as a testament to the BJP’s continued influence in the region and her personal appeal as a popular figure.
Vikramaditya Singh, despite his strong political lineage as the son of former Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh, has struggled to close the gap. er current lead signifies a potential shift in the political dynamics of the region, as the BJP looks poised to strengthen its hold on this crucial seat. As counting continues, Ranaut’s substantial lead is being closely watched by political analysts and party supporters alike.
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