Searches at seven locations in Punjab, Delhi, and Madhya Pradesh have resulted in the seizure of unaccounted cash amounting to Rs 78.15 lakh, the ED said while conducting raids in premises associated with liquor company Malbros International Pvt Ltd and its former Director Gautam Malhotra in a money laundering probe pertaining to environmental violations.

The raids made on July 16 also resulted in the recovery of digital devices and incriminating documents. These were carried out under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002.

The investigation was initiated following a criminal complaint by the Punjab Pollution Control Board to the Court of the Chief Judicial Magistrate, Ferozepur. It had charged Malbros International Pvt Ltd with violating different sections of the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, by contaminating the soil and groundwater from its factory premises.

Preliminary investigations by the ED revealed that the company was draining industrial effluents into the illegally installed bore-wells in its premises, contaminating the soil and water, which posed a risk to the health of the public and caused the death of cattle in surrounding areas.

It has also found that money generated from these environmental crimes was being used for the business operations of the company. Tracing the money trail, part of the ongoing investigation, would be continued by the ED.