The Enforcement Directorate (ED) disclosed that during a search operation across Delhi, Ahmedabad, Mumbai, and Hyderabad, they seized cash amounting to Rs 41 lakh, along with incriminating documents and digital evidence. These actions were part of their probe into alleged corruption in the Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) projects of the Delhi Jal Board (DJB), conducted by the agency’s Delhi Zonal Office on July 3.

The ED’s investigation stems from an FIR filed by Delhi’s Anti Corruption Branch against Euroteck Environmental Pvt Ltd and others under various sections of the Indian Penal Code and the Prevention of Corruption Act. The case involves alleged irregularities in the awarding of tenders worth Rs 1,943 crore for upgrading and augmenting 10 STPs across Delhi.

According to the ED, the tenders were awarded to three joint venture companies, which allegedly colluded to secure the contracts. The investigation found that the tendering process may have been manipulated to favor these specific entities, resulting in inflated costs and substantial losses to the public funds.

The ED also highlighted discrepancies in the tendering process, including the adoption of restrictive conditions that favored only a few companies and the acceptance of unverified experience certificates from Taiwan. Additionally, it was revealed that the awarded contracts were subsequently subcontracted to Euroteck Environmental Pvt Ltd.

Overall, the ED’s findings suggest serious irregularities in the awarding and execution of these contracts, underscoring the need for thorough investigation and legal action against those responsible.