The Enforcement Directorate on Thursday moved the Delhi High Court to challenge the 30-day interim bail granted to Supertech’s chairman and promoter, R. K Arora on medical and health grounds by the Trial Court.

RK Arora was arrested in June last year in connection with a money laundering case.
On January 16, 2024, Patiala House Court granted him bail, stating that the Supreme Court has recognised the right of the accused to obtain treatment even from a private hospital at his own cost and expense.

“It is a matter of fact that government institutions and super specialty hospitals are already overburdened. The over-burdened government medical institutions and Super Specialty Hospitals are not required to be directed to prepone the date of surgery of the applicant or accused at the cost of other citizens or patients who have already obtained the said date in advance,” said the trial court.

The trial court judge, Devender Kumar Jangala, granted bail on a personal bail bond of one lakh and two lakh as surety. Recently, Arora moved for interim bail, citing health grounds that he had lost 10 kg in custody.

Earlier, Advocate Tanveer Ahmad Mir, who appeared for RK Arora during arguments, sought direction to release the applicant on interim bail on medical grounds, stating that he is inflicted with such ailments for which interim bail is required. The medical reports show that as of this date, the applicant is not only sick but the sickness has also resulted in an infirmity.