The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has launched an investigation into several Indian individuals, entities, and Canadian colleges for allegedly trafficking Indians into the US through the Canadian border. The probe follows the 2022 deaths of a four-member Indian family from Dingucha village, Gujarat, who perished in extreme cold while attempting to cross the Canada-US border illegally.

The ED suspects that 262 Canadian colleges are involved in the trafficking racket, with the agency conducting searches at eight locations across Mumbai, Nagpur, Gandhinagar, and Vadodara. The investigation centers on Bhavesh Ashokbhai Patel, who is accused of orchestrating the illegal smuggling operation by offering Indian nationals student visas to Canadian colleges, only for them to later cross the US-Canada border instead of attending classes.

The trafficked individuals were charged between ₹55 and ₹60 lakh each. The ED revealed that the fees paid to these colleges were redirected to the conspirators’ accounts. In total, two entities, one in Mumbai and one in Nagpur, are linked to referring thousands of students to foreign universities for a commission. Around 112 Canadian colleges are reportedly tied to one of these entities, with more than 150 linked to the other. The ED’s investigation continues into the involvement of these colleges, particularly those located near the US-Canada border.