The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has filed a supplementary chargesheet against Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) MLA Amanatullah Khan in connection with its ongoing investigation into money laundering related to the Delhi Waqf Board. The 110-page chargesheet also names Mariam Siddiqui as an accused, although she has not been arrested. The court is expected to consider the chargesheet on November 4.

Arrest and Allegations

Khan was arrested by the ED on September 2 at his residence in Okhla following a series of raids and hours of questioning. He remains in judicial custody. The investigation began when the ED sought an arrest warrant in April for Khan’s failure to appear before the agency. In January, the agency had already charged several of his associates, including Daud Nasir and Zeeshan Haider, with similar offenses.

The ED alleges that Khan misappropriated significant amounts of cash through illegal staff recruitments at the Delhi Waqf Board, using the proceeds to acquire immovable assets in the names of his associates. Furthermore, the agency claims Khan benefited from leasing Waqf Board properties during his tenure as chairman from 2018 to 2022.

Ongoing Investigations and Legal Proceedings

On October 18, the ED informed the Delhi High Court that its investigation into Khan under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) is based on multiple FIRs. The agency opposed Khan’s plea challenging his arrest, asserting that he misled the court by focusing on the outcome of one FIR while ignoring ongoing investigations tied to others. Evidence, including recorded statements, suggests Khan appointed individuals close to him and bypassed legal procedures for personal gain during his time as chairman of the Delhi Waqf Board.