Assets worth more than Rs 121 crore belonging to Anwar Dhebar, the elder brother of Raipur Mayor Aijaz Dhebar, IAS officer Anil Tuteja, former MD of Chhattisgarh State Marketing Corporation Ltd. Arun Pati Tripathi and others have been attached in an alleged liquor scam-linked money laundering case, the Enforcement Directorate (ED) said on Monday.

The properties, provisionally attached under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA), comprise 14 properties of Tuteja worth Rs. 8.83 crore, 69 properties of Anwar Dhebar- including a hotel in Raipur- worth Rs 98.78 crore, and one asset of Tripathi worth Rs 1.35 crore, the federal agency said in a statement. The ED has named IAS officer Tuteja the “kingpin” in the scam. Properties of Vikash Agarwal alias Subbu worth Rs 1.54 crore and 32 properties of Arvind Singh worth Rs 11.35 crore have also been attached as part of the same order. The total value of the attached properties is Rs 121.87 crore.

The money laundering case stems from a 2022 Income Tax department charge sheet filed against IAS officer Tuteja and others before a court in Delhi. So farm Anwar Dhebar, Arun Pati Tripathi and two others have been arrested in connection to the case.