The countdown for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections of 2024 has now started. The Election Commission has started all the preparations for this in full swing. According to sources, Chief Election Commissioner Rajiv Kumar, Election Commissioner Anup Pandey and Arun Goyal will visit these states for the Lok Sabha elections. The Election Commission team will visit these states from January 7 to 10. The Election Commission will start its tour for the Lok Sabha elections from the southernmost state of the country, Tamil Nadu.
In the first phase of its visit, the Election Commission will take stock of the preparations for the elections on 39 seats in Tamil Nadu, 25 in Andhra Pradesh and 175 seats in the Andhra Pradesh Assembly. This year the Commission has enhanced its reputation by successfully conducting peaceful elections in many states. According to the Commission, increase in vote percentage, almost zero re-polling, seizure of records and decline in election violence – these are its major achievements.
The recent assembly elections in five states, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Telangana and Mizoram, are an indication of how ‘silent reforms’ have changed the way elections are conducted and monitored.
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