In an exclusive conversation with NewsX for its special segment NewsX A-list, Sushil Khaitan, CEO & Director, shares with us his experiences and insights in wellness and health as well as working as a seasoned entrepreneur in the manufacturing and marketing industry for over 30 years.

Known for his penchant for health and wellness, Khaitan talks about his popular nutraceutical brand, Pure Nutrition which focuses on the belief that good health and optimal wellness is everyone’s right. “Because of the pesticides and different types of chemicals being used for rapid growth for both vegetables, the nutrients of the product go down. So in order to replenish the ideal human body, we come up with these nutrition supplements” said Khaitan.

Sharing with us the basic mantra of nutraceutical, Khaitan explains, “These supplements are made with very high power bioavailable plant-based extract, which is done by an extraction process, wherein the ingredients are magnified with a very high level. So the bioavailability and the efficacy of the human body tend to work very high once we start consuming these supplements, and that replenishes those nutrient deficiencies. It is not medicine.”

Khaitan addresses the major issue of people’s perception about supplements, “First of all doctors do not really prescribe nutraceuticals, because they have been taught pharma and they are who pledges to do. So then they always get into medicines. But during the last three to five years, doctors across the world have realised that it is because of the nutrition efficiencies that the body’s resistant power to fight diseases has gone down, so they are also now realising the importance of nutraceutical. And I was surprised that many of the doctors in India now have started prescribing that people should also take supplements.”

Speaking on the importance of how during the pandemic people’s perceptions are changing towards food and immunity and for good reason. Khaitan said “People are scared with the looming fear of catching the virus and the second issue is coming about immunity. That word has been banging so much it has gone up in nominal search worldwide. They’re now even realizing the importance of immunity to fight the virus.”

Sharing with us how Pure Nutrition differentiates from other brands and USP for this brand in particular, Khaitan explains “We are natural and all our formulations are plant-based including multi-ingredients formulations. Along with that, we follow the Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) at the highest level. Hence it increases the efficacy and efficiency of the product.” “Considering we follow multi-ingredient formulations where we add, close to seven to eight, or minimum ten sometimes in each formulation. It is a mixture of Ayurveda, herbs and vitamins which increases the bioavailability and efficacy in the body” added Khaitan.

Talking about the clienteles his brand has received during the pandemic and the return rate of clients, Khaitan elaborated “50% is a repeat customer online, and that we have been following it for the last since the company was formed in 2016. We have seen that customers who are loyal to our brand and have enjoyed the benefits of our products have never left us. Their world of mouth around India and also with families and friends, relatives, give a lot of impetus to our optics in terms of the repeated customers are concerned.

Secondly, during this particular situation we have people coming in both online and offline especially the younger generation, the millennials as well as Gen Z have started becoming very conscious as to what they eat, how they exercise and how they live their life, what type of supplement they should take.”

On a concluding note, Khaitan stresses the particular old saying Health is wealth and tells us about the rising consciousness towards one’s health. “Suddenly we have seen a big change in the last six months which wasn’t so earlier especially in youngsters and people leading sedentary lifestyles.”