In the wake of the tragic deaths of four UPSC aspirants in Old Rajendra Nagar, Delhi, Drishti IAS, a prominent coaching institute for civil services aspirants, has announced comprehensive support for the bereaved families.

Three students, Shreya Yadav from Uttar Pradesh, Nivin Dalwin from Kerala, and Tanya Soni from Telangana, lost their lives on July 27 when the basement library of Rau’s IAS campus flooded during a heavy downpour. The sole biometric entry and exit point to the library was reportedly damaged, contributing to the tragic outcome. Additionally, another aspirant, Nilesh Rai, succumbed to electrocution on a waterlogged road in the same area.

Expressing deep sorrow and solidarity with the grieving families, Drishti IAS founder Vikas Divyakirti announced a financial assistance package of Rs 10 lakh each to the families of all four deceased students. In a press release, Divyakirti stated, “We understand that no amount of money can alleviate the pain of losing a child, but we hope this gesture offers some solace to the bereaved families during this unimaginably difficult time.”

Beyond financial aid, Drishti IAS has pledged to provide free academic support to all current students of Rau’s IAS. This support includes access to general studies classes, test series, and optional subject courses. Students can avail of these services by contacting the Drishti IAS help desk in Karol Bagh from August 5, 2024 onwards.

The institute has extended its condolences to the families of the deceased students and has offered its full support in any way possible, both during this period of grief and in the future.