Two kar sevaks, who were involved in the 1992 demolition of the Ayodhya structure, narrated the incidents of December 6 that year and talked about how it felt when their dream of Ram Temple was about to become a reality. VHP president Alok Kumar and BJP MP Seekar Swami Sumedhanand Saraswati also talked about the upcoming Ram Temple and the infrastructure upgrade in Ayodhya.

They discussed the whole incident in the India News Manch, organised by the ITV network. At the Manch, Alok Kumar, President of Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP), said, “I am fortunate to be a (1984) part of Ram Mandir Janambhoomi Andolan; not only this, I was at every step, even in court, when both the centre and state governments of that time were against it.” He further said that Ashok Singal decided that we would start building the workshop for Mandir. He added, “It was not easy, as in these 75 years, we were not fighting with Mughals or Britishers, but we were fighting with our own elected government.

Kumar said, I am glad with the development going on in Ayodhya. He said, “The ground floor of the temple will be completed on January 22. It will be inaugurated. A 51-inch idol of Lord Rama will be installed, and by 2025, the atmosphere will be created so that devotees will stay there at least for a week instead of a single day. They also get a chance to visit the Lord Rama museum, and we will give haldi rice to 10 core people and invite them to witness the New Ayodhya Ram Mandir.”On the other hand, another panellist, a BJP MP from Seekar Swami Sumedhanand Saraswati, said, I am fortunate to be a spectator of Bhavya Ram Mandir, and its construction is being completed.”

He said, “It was the divine power of Lord Rama that showed us the right path.” He added that the railway station and airport in Ayodhya have been developed with world-class facilities. Earlier, the station was very small, but the new station, which is being developed, has all the facilities and can cater to a huge population of devotees.