Congress leader Amit Malik has been made in charge of the Delhi Youth Congress, Delhi Congress president Arvinder Singh Lovely said on Tuesday. Former Leader of the House in the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD), Jitender Kumar, has been asked to manage the administration of the Delhi Pradesh Congress Committee (DPCC) and the MCD, Lovely said. The appointments were made in a bid to revamp and strengthen the functioning of the DPCC, a statement by the Delhi Congress said. “Amit Malik has been made “prabhari” (in-charge) of Youth Congress, NSUI, and Delhi Congress frontal organisations while Jitender Kumar Kochar has been given the responsibility of all matters related to people’s welfare in the MCD and Pradesh Congress office administration,” the statement said. It is further said that the decision has been taken in a bid to revamp and strengthen the functioning of the Congress in the national capital.