Ivana Perkovic recently joined NewsX for an insightful conversation as part of NewsX India A-List As part of the interview, Ivana opened about her journey and how it is being a woman who is traveling around the world. Sharing about all of the things she juggles along with content creation, Ivana said, “I am a storytelling workshop organiser, next to being a content creator. I am a public speaker, with a TED talk that has over half a million views and I am also an international business consultant.”

When asked about how she managed to divide her time from content creation and then also doing the other things that she did that are probably day jobs or extracurricular, Ivana said “I am a hardcore productivity freak. In the past, that has worked very much against me but in due time I have learned how to manage it in a healthy way. I love to work in time blocks. Whenever I am doing content creation, for instance, I know I have to finish the video before Wednesday, I will block a few hours of my time on Monday and Tuesday for that activity. For instance, the afternoon hours will be blocked for other activities but I am not a huge fan of multitasking at all. I just don’t do multitasking because you lose your focus while you are like juggling too many things at the same time. My biggest productivity hack has always been to work in time blocks and just focus on one at a time.”

Speaking about the experience of being a woman traveler, she expressed, “I think until I was 23 years old, I had never travelled alone in my life. I was absolutely terrified of it. I thought it was for those super free spirits, who are willing to do incredibly adventurous things. Like in so many of our lives, I ended a relationship and I was totally in our lost state of mine. I was like I need to get out there. I need to see more of the world, but then rightfully as you mentioned, there are certain things that we have to take into account for as women. I decided to do something that I now recommend every single woman who wants to travel alone or at least try it out keep it as safe as possible for yourself”.

 “Don’t go venturing out in the middle of nowhere just because you see other people doing that on Instagram. Look at a trip that would feel safe to you. For me, that was a trip to Barcelona, a shopping trip during still time because all my friends were just busy with their jobs and their kids. My boyfriend, at the time, like obviously we had broken up so that was not an option. I decided to go to a city that I’ve always wanted to visit. I definitely didn’t venture out on some kind of mountain top, where you know I wouldn’t know how things would workout. I just kept it as safe as possible for myself,” she added.

 Lastly she mentioned, “You can look at simple things like doing a staycation in your own city. You can even venture out to market for a day on the other side of your town if you have never been alone. I think that’s already adventurous enough. Don’t get caught up with Instagram and seeing people do crazy things because that doesn’t always end well and I don’t think that always ends up being fun so keep it as close your own needs as possible.”