The Jammu and Kashmir Police released sketches on Wednesday of four terrorists involved in two separate attacks in the Doda district, and they announced a reward of ₹20 lakh for any information leading to their capture. On Tuesday, terrorists fired upon a joint checkpoint of the 4 Rashtriya Rifles and police at Chattergalla in Bhaderwah. The following day, a search party in the Gandoh area was attacked, resulting in injuries to seven security personnel, including a policeman.

“Jammu and Kashmir Police has released sketches of four terrorists who are believed to be in the upper reaches of Bhaderwah, Thathri, Gandoh and carrying out terror-related activities,” stated a police spokesperson.

Additionally, a cash reward of ₹5 lakh for information on each of these terrorists was announced by the police.

The Jammu and Kashmir Police also called on the public to provide any information regarding the presence and movements of these terrorists.

Doda: Injuries in Separate Encounters

In two separate encounters on Wednesday, five soldiers and two police officers were injured after one group of terrorists attacked a checkpost in the upper reaches of Doda, and another group fired at security forces hours later. These incidents are part of three gunbattles in 26 hours that have heightened tensions in Jammu, an area increasingly affected by cross-border terrorism in the volatile Union territory.

The first attack occurred at 1.45am on Wednesday when three to four terrorists opened fire on a joint checkpost of the 4 Rashtriya Rifles and the Jammu & Kashmir Police in Doda’s Chattargala area on the Bhaderwah-Pathankot road. The prolonged gunbattle resulted in injuries to five army personnel and a special police officer.

The second attack took place in the Kota Top area, about 150km from Chattargala, where terrorists injured head constable Fareed Ahmed.

Around 220km away in Kathua, another gunbattle erupted late Tuesday night, continuing into Wednesday morning. This encounter resulted in the death of a Central Reserve Police Force jawan, injuries to six security personnel and one civilian, and the neutralization of two terrorists.