With a string of controversial videos made in Delhi Metro trains and premises going viral in the last several months, DMRC chief Vikas Kumar has appealed to people to refrain from engaging in “objectionable” activities and said steps were being taken to curb such incidents.
Kumar went on to say that squads do “surprise checks” from time to time, and the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) is “trying its best” to check these activities.
Seeking fame, some metro riders in the past have often resorted to gyrating on some popular numbers inside train coaches or at platforms while someone else filmed it. In other cases, videos have emerged on social media platforms such as Instagram where young couples have been filmed getting intimate in a train.
On one occasion, a video of a young woman in a skimpy dress went viral on X, triggering an online debate on public decency and the freedom of an individual. Kumar, the managing director of the DMRC, said security personnel cannot be posted everywhere on the metro premises and urged passengers to report such incidents to authorities. “We first of all try to counsel such people who resort to such activities.”We appeal to those people to refrain from engaging in such objectionable activities for the good of society.