Authority, Panchkula had organized a programme for Grass Root level workers and leaders on legal services for women and child safety on Friday at the ADR Centre, District Court Complex here. Over 30 staff officials of health, workers, teachers, Panchayat Members and Anganwari Workers participated in this knowledge sessions which would in turn benefit residents of the regions these participants belong to.

The attendees were made aware about the Child Marriage and DV Act by Protection Officer, Sonia Sabarwal and the Protection of Children against Sexual Offences Act, by Nidhi Malik, Legal Assistant-cum-Probation Officer, Women and Child Department. Similarly, a lecture was delivered on Legal Rights of Labourers by Pramila Bhardwaj, Panel Advocate. Meanwhile, Ajay Kumar Ghanghas, Chief Judicial Magistrate/Secretary, DLSA, also shared valuable knowledge among the participants while leading the programme.
‘The aim is to share information about legal services which can be used in aiding people in time of their needs. The more awareness is shared, more aware are our people.’ said Ajay Kumar Ghanghas, Chief Judicial Magistrate/Secretary.

The knowledge sharing programme was organized under the directions of S.P Singh, Learned Member Secretary, Haryana State Legal Services Authority, Panchkula and Ved Prakash Sirohi District and Sessions Judge-cum-Chairman of District Legal Services Authority, Panchkula. It is also to be noted that the DLSA,who are on their mission to share legal awareness among the public, will conduct a National Lok Adalat on September 14.