In a surprising turn of events, Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader Foji Angrez Singh Warwal has announced his decision to contest as an Independent candidate from the Ferozepur Lok Sabha constituency. This move comes after Warwal was denied a ticket by AAP for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections in Punjab. On June 1, AAP unveiled its list of 13 candidates for the Punjab Lok Sabha elections. However, the decision has sparked discontent within the party’s ranks in Ferozepur, with Warwal choosing to run as an Independent candidate.

Historically, the Ferozepur Lok Sabha constituency has seen varied electoral outcomes. The Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) has emerged victorious 10 times, while the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) and Congress have secured wins on two and five occasions, respectively.

Additionally, an Independent candidate has clinched victory once in this constituency.

Expressing his disappointment, Warwal remarked that despite his decade-long dedication and service to the party, he was overlooked in favor of a ‘newcomer’. Rallying support from the local community, Warwal announced his independent candidacy amidst a large gathering of the Rai Sikh community in Mamdot. The enthusiastic crowd chanted the slogan “Tiger Abhi Zinda Hai” (The Tiger is Still Alive) in his support.

Warwal highlighted that he had been actively seeking to represent the constituency for the past eighteen months. However, AAP decided to field Jagdeep Singh Kaka Brar, the sitting MLA from Muktsar, as its candidate for the Ferozepur Lok Sabha seat. His decision has garnered support from various quarters, including Akali Dal Badal’s Vice President Punjab Kashmir Kaur, the Christian community, and ex-servicemen unions.

The announcement of Jagdeep Singh Kaka Brar as the AAP candidate for the Ferozepur Lok Sabha seat could pose challenges for the party, given the dissatisfaction among its leaders.

AAP’s task is further complicated by the presence of a substantial community vote bank of approximately 5 lakh voters in the constituency.

Despite AAP’s strong performance in the previous Assembly elections and the recent rift between the BJP and SAD after 26 years of alliance, the party faces an uphill battle in the Lok Sabha polls. The Congress party, yet to announce its candidate, could potentially capitalize on this situation. With the political landscape in Ferozepur heating up, the upcoming Lok Sabha elections promise to be fiercely contested, with multiple candidates vying for victory in a closely watched electoral battle.