Dimple Yadav, former MP and wife of Samajwadi Party chief Akhilesh Yadav will be contesting from Uttar Pradesh’s Mainpuri Lok Sabha seat post party founder Mulayam Singh Yadav’s demise. The bypoll is scheduled to be held on 5 December and the results will be out on 8 December along with assembly polls in Gujarat and Himachal Pradesh.

“The party declares Dimple Yadav as party candidate of Mainpuri bypoll,” Samajwadi Party said in a tweet.   

Mulayam Singh Yadav died last month following prolonged illness had won the seat of Mainpuri in 2019. Since 1996, Samajwadi Party has won every Lok Sabha poll in Mainpuri. In 2004, he won it four consecutive times.