In response to the floods in the southern districts of Tamil Nadu, the Indian Air Force has deployed Medium Lift Helicopters (MLH) and Advanced Light Helicopters (ALH) Dhruv for HADR (Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief) efforts.
The helicopters are operating from Madurai in coordination with the civil authorities for rescue and supply drops. A Mi-17 V5 helicopter of the IAF rescued 4 stranded persons in the morning today; they included a pregnant woman and an infant aged a year and a half, said authorities.
Earlier, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M K Stalin urged Union Defence Minister Rajnath Singh to urgently deploy more helicopters for rescue and relief in Tamil Nadu’s southern districts, severely affected by unprecedented rainfall.
In a letter dated December 19, 2023, CM Stalin said, “The southern districts of Tamil Nadu have received unprecedented rainfall in the last two days. Some locations have received their highest rainfall recorded ever since 1871.
Due to this, around 40 lakh people living in Tirunelveli and Tuticorin districts have been very badly affected. The situation is particularly extremely serious in Srivaikuntam and Tuticorin towns, due to large flooding in Thamirabarani river and adjoining areas.”