On Sunday, Tamil Nadu Minister Udhayanidhi Stalin said that Sanatana Dharma should be eradicated. Union Minister Dharmendra Pradhan disagreed, saying that the “reality of some people in Tamil Nadu has now come out.” He continued by saying that since “Sanatana” is eternal, nothing with regard to his political remarks would change.
“The reality of some people in Tamil Nadu has now come out. Just a few days ago, we organised Kashi Tamil Sangamam, and Lord Vishwanath is commemorated in every village in Tamil Nadu. ‘Sanatana’ is eternal, nothing is going to happen with these political remarks. This is their frustration and agitation, it will not be of any use,” he said.
Meanwhile, seeking to steer the Congress away from the statement of DMK leader Udhayanidhi Stalin, equating Sanatan Dharma with “mosquitoes, dengue, malaria, and corona”, the party’s Maharashtra chief Nana Patole on Sunday said the partner in the DMK-led ruling coalition in Tamil Nadu doesn’t believe in hurting any religious sentiments.
Udhayanidhi Stalin, the son of Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M K Stalin, attacked Sanatan Dharma on Saturday while speaking at a conference in Chennai, declaring that “Few things cannot be opposed, they should only be abolished.” We must eradicate dengue, mosquitoes, malaria, and coronavirus because we cannot fight them. In a similar manner, we must destroy Sanatana Dharma. Sanatana should be eliminated rather than merely opposed.
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