Dera Sacha Sauda chief Ram Rahim is currently out on parole. He was seen celebrating by cutting a with a sword. The Sirsa-Dera chief who is serving 20 years jail term for rape and murder, walked out on a 40-day parole from the Sunaria Jail Haryana’s Rohtak district on 21st January and arrived at his Barnawa Ashram in Uttar Pradesh’s Baghpat. A video of the celebration by Ram Rahim with the giant cake has gone viral on social media.

In his bail application, Ram Rahim had said that he wants to attend an event to mark the birth anniversary of the former Dera Chief Shah Satnam on 25th January. In the video that has surfaced on social media, the Dera chief can be head saying, “Got a chance after five years to celebrate like this so I should cut at least five cakes. This is the first cake.” Incidentally, public display of weapons while cutting a cake with sword is prohibited under the Arms Act.

Ram Rahim on 23rd January virtually inaugurated a mega cleanliness campaign organized by his sect’s volunteers across multiple locations in Haryana and in some other states. A few senior BJP Leaders from Haryana, including Rajya Sabha MP Krishna Lal Panwar and former minister Krishna Kumar Bedi also participated in the event.