Star wrestler Bajrang Punia has announced that the Mahila Mahapanchayat, a gathering of women, will be organized in front of the newly inaugurated Parliament building, amid the ongoing wrestler protest in the national capital. Wrestlers, including Bajrang Punia, Vinesh Phogat, and Sakshee Mallik, have been demonstrating at Jantar Mantar, accusing the Wrestling Federation of India (WFI) chief, Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh, of sexual harassment and demanding his arrest. However, security personnel detained the protesting wrestlers as they attempted to march towards the new Parliament from their protest site at Jantar Mantar.
“Democracy is being killed in the country, no one is getting the justice they deserve”, Bajrang Punia told reporters ahead of the protesting wrestlers’ march towards the new Parliament building.Punia said, “Many people are very cooperative with us but there are few police officials who are misbehaving with us, they are not allowing our family members to go inside.”
Bajrang Punia confirmed that the Mahapanchayat will indeed take place despite the obstacles faced by the protesting wrestlers. He mentioned that they have submitted a letter seeking permission for the gathering, but accused the police of intentionally pressuring and misleading them. Although he did not explicitly mention Wrestling Federation of India (WFI) president Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh, Punia criticized the accused individual for freely roaming and attempting to undermine the POCSO (Protection of Children from Sexual Offences) Act while the peaceful protesters face mistreatment.
Punia also claimed that approximately 2,500 people have been detained by the police, and they are targeting not only the wrestlers but also the coaches, players, and leaders of Kisan Union and Khap Panchayat in various states such as Haryana, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, and Rajasthan.In response to the wrestlers’ plan for a women’s Maha Panchayat in front of the new Parliament building in the national capital, Delhi Police have heightened security measures throughout the city.
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