Delhi continued to experience cold weather on Wednesday, marking its third consecutive day of low temperatures. The minimum temperature was recorded at 7.4°C, while the maximum reached 15°C, which is 4°C below the usual average, according to the India Meteorological Department (IMD). At Safdarjung, the maximum temperature was 15°C, 4.3°C below normal, and Palam registered a slightly lower 12.8°C, which is 2°C below normal.
For Thursday, the IMD forecasted smog and moderate fog in most areas, with dense fog in some places during the morning. The evening and night are expected to bring smog or shallow fog, with surface winds of 10-15 km/h. In Rajasthan, cold conditions have worsened, disrupting daily life. Jaipur saw temperatures as low as 7.2°C, while Bikaner and Churu recorded 7°C and 6°C, respectively. Uttar Pradesh also experienced chilly weather, with fog covering Ayodhya and temperatures dropping further. Meerut recorded 9°C, while Lucknow’s temperature was 10°C.
In Himachal Pradesh, mid and high hill regions are expected to see fresh snowfall starting January 2, with more expected between January 4-7. Heavy rainfall is anticipated on January 5 and 6. On Wednesday, Sundernagar recorded the highest temperature in the state at 21.4°C, while Tabo in Lahaul and Spiti recorded the coldest at -16.7°C. Shimla, Dharamshala, Manali, and other areas saw temperatures ranging from 2.4°C to 7.6°C.
Jammu and Kashmir is bracing for fresh snowfall, with a weak western disturbance bringing light snowfall from January 1-2, followed by a moderate disturbance expected between January 3-6. This will bring light to moderate snowfall across most parts of the region, with heavy snowfall possible at higher altitudes. Gulmarg recorded the coldest temperature in the valley at -8.8°C.