Parts of Delhi saw morning showers on Friday, which provided a slight improvement in the unhealthy air that residents had been dealing with for the previous few weeks. As of 7 am today, SAFAR, the government’s air-quality monitoring agency, reported an overall air quality of 407 in Delhi. The Air Quality Index at 10 am was 361, slightly better than the “Severe” category but still falling into the “Very Poor” category based on the index range. Two stations registered “Severe” AQIs, according to data released by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB). Major Dhyan Chand National Stadium recorded an AQI of 407 at 10 a.m. today.
At Shadipur, the AQI was at 405. Among areas that had ‘Very Poor’ air quality index were Sonia Vihar at 399, Ashok Vihar at 390, Bawana at 389, Wazirpur at 385, ITO and Jahangirpuri both recorded 381 AQI, Vivek Vihar recorded an AQI of 380.
There was also a dip in the level of pollutants PM 2.5 and PM10 after 4 am across the national capital and surrounding areas.
For today, the Regional Meteorological Centre of the India Met Department has forecast a generally cloudy sky with light rain or thundershowers in the city and over the next two days it has predicted mainly clear skies with shallow fog in the morning.
The weather service has predicted a partly cloudy sky with mist or shallow fog in the mornings for the next two days after Diwali Sunday, and a mostly clear sky with shallow fog in the mornings for the next two days after that.
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