Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Wednesday said that the people of Delhi have “got support” from West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee and Trinamool Congress will oppose the bill that the BJP-led government will bring in Parliament to replace its ordinance on control of services in the national capital. Kejriwal and Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann met Banerjee in Kolkata as a part of his efforts to seek the support of opposition parties against the ordinance. He said after the meeting that if the bill related to the ordinance is not passed in Rajya Sabha, it would be a semifinal of the next year’s Lok Sabha elections. In a tweet on Wednesday, Kejriwal thanked Mamata Banerjee for her support.
“The people of Delhi got the support of Mamata Didi yesterday. When the Modi government will present a bill in Parliament against the people of Delhi, the TMC will oppose it in favour of the people of Delhi. On behalf of the people of Delhi, I thank Didi from the bottom of my heart,” Kejriwal said.
Kejriwal and Mann met Shiv Sena (UBT) leader Uddhav Thackeray in Mumbai on Wednesday.
Mamata Banerjee said after her meeting with Kejriwal that opposition parties should come together against the bill that the Centre will bring in Rajya Sabha.
“I want to appeal to all opposition parties to unite and if all the opposition unite together, it will be a big message to the country.
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