As Delhi grapples with a severe water Crisis, authorities have intensified police patrolling around the Munak Canal to curb the activities of the alleged tanker mafia. The move follows directives from Delhi Lieutenant Governor Vinai Saxena, who urged for heightened vigilance in response to Supreme Court criticism of the city’s administration over water mismanagement.
The Supreme Court recently chastised the Delhi government for its failure to address the pervasive issue of tanker mafia, questioning the efficacy of measures taken against the exploitation of water resources. Justices PK Mishra and PB Varale raised concerns over reports of widespread water wastage and the unchecked influence of tanker operators in the national capital.
In response to mounting pressure, BJP leaders have met with the Delhi Police chief, advocating for the establishment of a special investigation team (SIT) to probe allegations of water theft from the Munak Canal and other sources by the tanker mafia. They have also demanded the registration of FIRs against those involved in the illicit trade of water.
The water crisis in Delhi has exacerbated amid scorching temperatures, with citizens enduring long queues at water tanker distribution points across various parts of the city. The situation underscores the urgent need for comprehensive action to address water scarcity and curb illegal activities impacting the availability of essential resources.
Local authorities continue to face scrutiny and public outcry as they navigate the challenges posed by the water crisis, emphasizing the critical importance of sustainable water management practices in India’s capital city.