An 18-year-old man named Jitesh tragically lost his life on Saturday in Delhi’s Karol Bagh area when an air conditioning unit fell from the second floor of a building and struck him on the head. Jitesh, a resident of Doriwala, was with his 17-year-old friend, Pranshu from Patel Nagar, at the time of the incident. The two were standing under the building, talking, when the outdoor AC unit suddenly fell.
CCTV footage of the incident, which occurred around 6:40 PM, shows Jitesh sitting on his scooter while conversing with Pranshu. Just moments after they exchanged a hug, the heavy unit plummeted from above, hitting Jitesh directly. He was rushed to a nearby hospital but was declared dead on arrival. Pranshu, who was also injured in the incident, is currently undergoing treatment at the hospital.
The police have registered a case at the Desh Bandhu Gupta Police Station, with the investigation being conducted under sections 125(a) (act endangering life or personal safety of others) and 106 (causing death by negligence) of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita. A forensic team has examined the accident scene, and further investigations are ongoing. As of now, Pranshu remains unfit to provide a statement due to his injuries.
This incident follows another tragic air conditioning-related death in Gurugram, where a 37-year-old man was charred to death after a fire broke out in his AC unit, causing an explosion.
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