The Delhi Police has initiated a case of abduction following the disappearance of the son of an Assistant Commissioner of Police from the Samaypur Badli area, officials reported on Thursday.
Lakhshya Chauhan (24) and two friends attended a marriage function in Haryana on Monday, after which Mr. Chauhan failed to return home the next day. A missing complaint was filed by his father, ACP Yashpal Singh, on Tuesday.
Upon investigation, it was revealed that Lakshya Chauhan was last seen at the Karnal bypass, prompting the registration of a case under Sections 365 (kidnapping or abducting with intent secretly and wrongfully to confine a person) and 368 (wrongfully concealing or keeping in confinement a kidnapped or abducted person) due to suspicions of foul play.
Three suspects have been detained and are currently undergoing interrogation. Special teams have been assembled to locate Mr. Chauhan and his friends who were with him during the incident.