Delhi Education Minister Atishi has announced that all schools in the capital will be closed on Thursday due to the severe rain and resulting waterlogging. The decision follows a heavy downpour on Wednesday evening that caused significant water accumulation and traffic disruptions throughout the city.

The relentless rain has led to widespread flooding and significant traffic jams, severely impacting the city’s infrastructure. Vehicles have been stranded on submerged roads, and many key routes are blocked, creating widespread chaos. Weather forecasts indicate that moderate rainfall will continue on Thursday, exacerbating the existing conditions.

The torrential rain has led to the issuance of the highest ‘red’ warning by the weather office, which has also flagged Delhi as an area of concern in its National Flash Flood Guidance Bulletin. Residents are advised to stay indoors, secure their homes, and avoid unnecessary travel.

Additionally, at least 10 flights arriving at Delhi Airport were diverted due to the adverse weather, with eight rerouted to Jaipur and two to Lucknow. The India Meteorological Department (IMD) reported substantial rainfall across various city locations: Safdarjung recorded 79.2 mm, Mayur Vihar 119 mm, Delhi University 77.5 mm, Pusa 66.5 mm, and Palam 43.7 mm between 5:30 pm and 8:30 pm.