In a bizarre incident in a Delhi residential society, a thief caught in the act tried to avoid arrest by pleading it was his birthday. Surprisingly, instead of calling the authorities right away, the residents decided to humor him and threw a birthday celebration. The thief’s plea, though, did not save him from his fate, as he was eventually handed over to the police.
The unusual event was on June 30, 2022, when three people attempted to break into a flat that was locked. The trespassers were chased by local residents. Two of the suspects escaped, but the youngest was caught by the vigilant locals.
As the thief appeared to be seized, he prayed for mercy, arguing that it happened on his birthday. The neighbours, not immediately asking him to submit, ordered for a birthday cake, even to write ‘chor”‘(the thief) above it and further decorate it using symbols of those tools he used breaking into the residence. Amid ‘Happy Birthday Chor’ chorus and playful hitting on his head, the ‘chor’ briefly came to be central to an incongruous celebrations.
He did not get free, though; the thief’s birthday was very short-lived. After the merry play, he was handed over to the police for his crime, his birthday wish failing to grant him an escape. The video, showing the bizarre scene of birthday chants and cake, quickly went viral. Social media users responded with sarcasm, as one said, “What a way to celebrate a ‘birthday’—with a police escort!” Another sarcastically said, “Maybe he’ll think twice before choosing his next crime ‘gift.'” The third one made light of it, saying, “A thief and a birthday cake — that’s one for the books!undefined