The Delhi Police has launched a crackdown on 70 cigarette shops operating near schools and educational institutes across the national capital, an official said on Thursday.
Police said 31 areas were identified where vendors were found selling tobacco products near educational institutes in violation of norms.
“According to data provided by the Department of Education, a local inquiry was conducted. Later, we identified a total of 31 areas all over Delhi where pan khokha, bidi, and gutka vendors were found indulging in the sale of tobacco products in the 100 metres parameter of educational institutes,” Special Commissioner of Police (Crime) Ravindra Singh Yadav said.
The officer further said 31 teams were formed under the supervision of the DCP, and surprise raids were conducted at as many locations in Delhi.
Under ‘Operation Kawach’, 70 vendors were found violating the rules under the Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products Act (COTPA) in a single day on Tuesday. Later, the matter was brought to the notice of civil authorities for closing all such violators, Yadav said.
The operation is primarily intended to save youth and children from the menace of drugs.