The Delhi Police has arrested five persons for allegedly robbing a petrol pump at gunpoint in outer Delhi’s Mundka area, an officer said on Sunday. He said they have recovered two country-made pistols, five live cartridges, and two motorcycles used in the crime from their possession. “On October 11, the Mundka Police Station registered a case of robbery and relevant provisions of the Arms Act after they got a complaint regarding the incident. We procured CCTV footage of the incident and started an investigation into the matter,” said Deputy Commissioner of Police (outer district) Jimmy Chiram. He said a police team formed for the task arrested five men identified as Kailash Mehto, 30, Pandav Kumar, 20, Guddu, 27, Mahavir Kumar, 30, and a 19-year-old Ashish Kumar. All five confessed to their crime, said Chiram.
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