Delhi Police on Friday identified 117 key traffic congestion points across the city and attributed them to a variety of causes, including construction activities and encroachments.
The congestion is being regulated through the deployment of staff at major intersections, the introduction of “one-way” traffic schemes, and the launch of encroachment and congestion removal drives, police said.
The congestion points, according to a survey, have been divided into six ranges. The northern range has the maximum number of such points 27 followed by the southern range 22, central range 21, eastern range 20, western range 19 and New Delhi range eight.
Ten flyovers, including Geeta Colony, Azadpur Chowk flyover, Rani Jhansi and Peera Garhi, are in the list of 117. Delhi is experiencing significant traffic congestion due to its land use pattern, an exponential increase in motorisation and various other factors, police said.
To address this issue, the traffic police conducted a thorough survey to determine the primary traffic congestion areas in the city. As traffic volume exceeds the road network’s capacity, congestion builds up and worsens with increasing traffic flow, officials said.