Delhi Police, in an FIR filed under anti-terror law UAPA against online news portal NewsClick, has alleged that a large amount of funds came from China to “disrupt the sovereignty of India” and cause disaffection against the country.

It also alleged that NewsClick founder and editor-in-chief Prabir Purkayastha conspired with a group—the People’s Alliance for Democracy and Secularism (PADS)—including PADS convenor Battini Rao, historian Dilip Simeon, social activist Deepak Dholakia, director of Delhi-based NGO Aman Trust Jamal Kidwai, and journalist Kiran Shaheen, among others—to sabotage the electoral process during the 2019 Lok Sabha polls.

These foreign funds were fraudulently infused by an active member of the propaganda department of the Communist Party of China, Neville Roy Singham, it claimed. Delhi Police provided a copy of the FIR to NewsClick on Friday, a day after a city court directed it to do so.

“Chinese telecom giants like Xiaomi, Vivo, etc., incorporated thousands of shell companies in India in violation of the PMLA, FEMA for illegally infusing foreign funds in India in furtherance of this conspiracy,” said the FIR, a copy of which is with PTI.

“In furtherance of this conspiracy to disrupt the sovereignty of India and cause disaffection against India, a large amount of funds was routed from China in a circuitous and camouflaged manner and paid news were intentionally peddled, criticising domestic policies, development projects of India and promoting, projecting and defending policies and programmes of the Chinese government,” it said.

It claimed that these foreign funds were allegedly distributed to activist Gautam Navlakha and associates of activists Teesta Seetalvad, her husband and activist Javed Anand, and journalists Urmilesh and Aratrika Halder, Paranjoy Guha Thakurta and Abhisar Sharma, and others.