The Delhi Police on Wednesday said four people, including a fake doctor, have been arrested for their alleged involvement in the surgery of a 45-year-old man who died in a clinic in south Delhi’s Greater Kailash.
Police said Mahendra, a former technician, had allegedly procured a forged MBBS degree and was working at the clinic in Greater Kailash-1.
Mahendra, along with the owner of the clinic and two other staff members who also claimed to possess MBBS degrees, have been arrested. “Their certificates are being verified,” a police officer said, adding that the four people were arrested after they were found to be involved in the surgery of a patient who was admitted due to some minor medical issue.
The attendants of the patient had alleged that the accused had performed the surgery.
Sources said police had received more than a dozen complaints from various people regarding patients subjected to wrong treatment by the doctors at the clinic.
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