Delhi Police has completed its arguments regarding the framing of charges against former Wrestling Federation of India (WFI) chief and BJP MP Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh in an alleged sexual harassment case filed by women wrestlers. The proceedings are at the stage of framing charges before the Rouse Avenue Court.

The Delhi Police asserted that incidents of alleged sexual harassment, both overseas and within India, including New Delhi, constitute part of the same transaction. Hence, the court has jurisdiction to hear this case. After hearing the Delhi Police’s arguments, the court scheduled the matter for further discussions on January 20 and 23, where the counsel for the complainants will present their submissions.

During the hearing, Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate Priyanka Rajpoot considered the arguments put forth by the Delhi Police. The Additional Public Prosecutor (APP) Atul Srivastava, representing Delhi Police, emphasized that the alleged sexual harassment incidents, whether occurring overseas or domestically, are interconnected and fall within the jurisdiction of this court.

The APP argued that, for the section related to sexual harassment, intent is not necessary, and mere knowledge is sufficient. Addressing the delay in filing complaints, the APP contended that the case is not time-barred under Section 354 of the IPC, which carries a maximum punishment of five years.

The prosecution further asserted that Brij Bhushan’s statement, claiming to act in a fatherly manner while checking the breathing patterns of female wrestlers, indicates his awareness of his actions. The reason cited for the delay in filing complaints was the fear among the women wrestlers that their careers would be jeopardized due to the reverence of wrestling in their communities.

This case, initiated by complaints from six women wrestlers, has already seen a charge sheet filed by Delhi Police, and it is currently in the stage of framing charges. The APP stated that 44 people, including six victims, have been listed as witnesses. The complainants allege incidents of sexual harassment both within and outside India, including places like Mongolia, Bellary (Karnataka), Tokyo, and Jakarta.

The defence counsel had argued that the court lacks jurisdiction for offences allegedly committed outside India without obtaining the requisite sanction. However, the APP argued that sexual harassment can be considered a continuing offence, covering multiple instances separated by time, date, and place. The court is set to delve further into these arguments during subsequent hearings.