The tragic case of 21-year-old Deepak Kumar Meena, a UPSC aspirant from Dausa, Rajasthan, has left his family and community devastated. Deepak had been preparing for the UPSC Mains at a coaching institute in Delhi’s Mukherjee Nagar. After being reported missing for ten days, his decomposed body was found hanging from a tree in a forest area near the coaching institute on September 20, 2024. He had been missing since September 11, raising alarm among his family when he stopped his routine calls home.
Deepak’s father, CL Meena, had traveled to Delhi to search for his son when he couldn’t be reached, leading to a missing person complaint being filed. The police are currently treating the case as a suspected suicide, though no note was found at the scene. However, Deepak’s family believes foul play may be involved, as they recall him being mentally and emotionally stable.
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The heartbreaking incident has sparked calls for a thorough investigation to ensure justice for Deepak. His death has also drawn attention to the intense pressures faced by civil service aspirants, with many struggling with mental health challenges amidst their demanding preparations.
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