Delhi PWD Minister Atishi on Monday issued an ultimatum to Public Works Department officials to complete the construction at the Sarai Kale Khan T-junction within a month or face action.
She inspected the under-construction flyover at the Sarai Kale Khan T-junction on Monday. Expressing dissatisfaction with the one-month delay in the construction work, she reprimanded the officials, a government statement said. Atishi issued an ultimatum, stating that the remaining work must be completed within one month or else the officials will have to face action. She directed the officials to expedite the pending work and provide regular progress reports, it added.
During the inspection, she said, “The Kejriwal government will not tolerate delays in such important projects. Therefore, every necessary step should be taken to complete the work within the newly set timeline, ensuring that the work is completed on time and opened for the public soon.”
Briefing the minister about the construction status, the officials said more than 90 per cent of the work has been completed and the pending work will be finished soon. The flyover will be opened to the public in September.
Atishi added that Sarai Kale Khan is one of the busiest areas in terms of traffic. Soon, this traffic load will increase due to the construction of the Rapid Rail Transit System.