The Supreme Court has extended Hyderabad businessman Abhishek Boinpally’s interim bail until May 8 in the Delhi Liquor Policy case. Originally granted on March 28 for five weeks, this extension came about after a mentioning by Senior Advocate Kapil Sibal to Justices Sanjiv Khanna and Dipankar Datta, even though the case was not listed for the day.

Boinpally, a former director of Robin Distilleries LLP and a suspected middleman in the Delhi Liquor Policy case, was arrested by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) in October 2022. However, a month later, he was granted bail. Yet, this reprieve was short-lived as the Enforcement Directorate (ED) successfully obtained custody of Boinpally for five days based on their plea, leading to his continued detention since October 2022.

During the court proceedings, Justice Khanna affirmed that the earlier interim bail granted to Boinpally would remain in effect until the next hearing on May 8. This decision ensures that Boinpally remains out on bail as the legal proceedings continue in the case, where he is among several individuals under investigation.