In a dramatic turn of events, Dwarka district judge Aman Pratap Singh was terminated from his position by the Delhi government on October 10, following a recommendation from the Delhi High Court. The decision came after a video surfaced on social media, showing Singh standing on his chair and yelling at court staff and the defense counsel.
The controversial video, which went viral, showed the judge in an unprofessional outburst during a court proceeding. Singh was seen standing on his chair, shouting at the court staff and the counsel of an accused individual, sparking widespread public criticism and a formal investigation.
Following the incident, the Delhi High Court had ordered the withdrawal of Singh’s judicial duties on September 19. Singh, who had been serving in the Dwarka court since June, was placed under probation until the investigation concluded. The high court’s recommendation for his termination ultimately led to the Delhi government’s decision.
Aman Pratap Singh was appointed as an additional district judge in Delhi in May, after passing the Delhi Higher Judicial Service Examinations. However, his career has now been cut short due to his unprofessional behavior in the courtroom. The termination highlights the serious consequences faced by judicial officers in cases of misconduct.
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