President Droupadi Murmu expressed her heartfelt condolences following the devastating loss of seven newborns in a fire at the New Born Baby Care Hospital in Vivek Vihar, Delhi. In a statement shared on social media, President Murmu conveyed her deep sorrow, offering prayers for the grieving families and speedy recovery of the injured infants.

Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal also joined in expressing his condolences, terming the incident as heartbreaking. He assured support for the affected families and pledged thorough investigation to hold accountable anyone found negligent.

Delhi’s Health Minister, Saurabh Bharadwaj, vowed strict action against those responsible for the tragedy, emphasizing that culprits would face the severest consequences. According to officials, 12 children were rescued from the inferno, with six newborns tragically losing their lives. The owner of the facility, Naveen Kichi, is currently at large, with an FIR being filed against him under relevant sections.

Atul Garg, Director of the Delhi Fire Department, described the rescue operation as challenging, highlighting the explosion of cylinders that further complicated efforts. Despite their best efforts, not all infants could be saved, with six succumbing to the ordeal.

The rescued newborns have been transferred to East Delhi Advance NICU hospital, where they are receiving oxygen support and undergoing treatment.