In a tragic incident in northwest Delhi’s Ashok Vihar, a woman allegedly strangled her five-year-old daughter to death after the child became an obstacle in her desire to marry a man she befriended on Instagram. The shocking crime came to light on Friday when Deep Chand Bandhu Hospital informed the police about a child who had been brought dead to their facility. Upon closer inspection, authorities discovered strangulation marks on the child’s neck, leading to an immediate investigation.
After a thorough interrogation, the woman broke down and confessed to killing her daughter. During questioning, she revealed that after her first husband left her, she met a man named Rahul on Instagram. Determined to marry him, she moved to Delhi, but Rahul and his family rejected her child, refusing to accept the girl. Unable to cope with the rejection, the woman allegedly strangled her daughter in a fit of frustration.
Further investigation revealed a history of abuse. The woman disclosed that before relocating to Delhi, she had been living with her child at a relative’s house in Himachal Pradesh, where her daughter had been sexually assaulted by the relative. These revelations have prompted the police to register multiple charges, including those under the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS) and the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act. The woman remains in police custody as the investigation continues.
This tragic incident in Delhi mirrors a similar case that occurred in Bihar earlier this year. In August, a 26-year-old woman in Muzaffarpur allegedly murdered her three-year-old daughter to pave the way for her marriage to her lover. Inspired by a crime TV show, the woman slit her daughter’s throat and discarded the body in a field, where it was later found. The woman was arrested and charged, with her lover cleared of any involvement.
The Delhi case has sparked outrage, raising concerns over the safety of children and the psychological toll that domestic and emotional struggles can have on vulnerable individuals. Authorities are continuing to investigate both the mother’s act.
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