The Delhi High Court has issued a notice to the Delhi Police in response to Umar Khalid’s plea seeking bail under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA). Umar Khalid is accused in the larger conspiracy of the 2020 Delhi riots. The court has scheduled the matter for hearing on August 29.

This development comes as part of the ongoing legal proceedings concerning the violent clashes that took place in Delhi in February 2020. Umar Khalid, a former student leader, has been in custody since his arrest in September 2020. He has consistently denied any involvement in the conspiracy, maintaining his innocence.

The upcoming hearing will determine whether Khalid will be granted bail as the case continues to unfold. This case has garnered significant attention, highlighting issues related to civil rights and the use of the UAPA in legal proceedings.

Keep following for updates on this significant legal development.