The Delhi High Court on Tuesday reserved its decision regarding the extension of interim bail for Lava’s MD, Hari Om Rai, who was granted bail on medical grounds. Rai, arrested by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) in connection with a money laundering case involving the Chinese mobile company Vivo, received three months of interim bail on February 16, which is set to expire on May 15. He is now seeking a six-month extension due to his heart condition. After hearing submissions from both the petitioner and the ED, Justice Swarana Kanta Sharma reserved the order.

Senior advocate Vikas Pahwa represented Hari Om Rai, arguing that Rai’s deteriorating health poses a risk of heart failure at any time. He cited a Max Hospital report indicating a 100 percent blockage in one artery. While reserving the decision, Justice Swarana Kanta Sharma remarked, “In case I need a medical report, I will call for it from AIIMS.” The petitioner’s counsel noted that medical documents from AIIMS have been submitted and need verification by the ED. On February 16, the High Court granted Rai a three-month interim bail on health grounds.

While granting him interim bail, the High Court noted, “This Court is of the considered opinion that the applicant’s health condition is of such nature that it would fall within the category of sick under Section 45 of PMLA, and he must be allowed to get himself treated in the hospital of his choice.”

The court emphasized the critical nature of cardiac emergencies, stating, “The delicate balance between life and death in cardiac emergencies underscores the importance of prioritization and specialized care required in such cases, for mitigating the profound risks posed by these medical conditions. Each passing moment in the face of cardiac distress is fraught with the peril of irreversible harm, and in case of any eventuality that may occur from the applicant not receiving proper and specialized treatment, this Court will have to bear the weight of regret.” The court further noted, “The applicant, aged about 57 years, is admittedly suffering from heart-related issues including angina and has been advised to undergo coronary angiography, as discernible from all the medical reports filed by the jail Superintendent himself.”

The Delhi High Court reserved its decision on extending interim bail for Lava’s MD, Hari Om Rai, arrested by the ED in a PMLA case related to Vivo. Rai, represented by Senior Advocate Vikas Pahwa, argued his deteriorating health, citing a Max Hospital report of a 100% artery blockage. The trial court previously denied bail, asserting Rai’s condition wasn’t life-threatening. Rai had initially planned a joint venture with Vivo in 2013, which fell through, leading to his cessation of ties with Vivo by 2014.

The ED alleged that Chinese shareholders of Grand Prospect International Communication Pvt Ltd (GPICPL) incorporated the company using forged documents, with further fraudulent activities discovered by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs. Raids revealed 19 other companies controlled by Chinese nationals, seizing over Rs 10 lakhs and arresting Rai and others. The ED’s PMLA investigation began in February 2022.