The Delhi High Court is set to conduct a hearing on Saturday regarding a plea filed against Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s wife, Sunita Kejriwal, and others for allegedly violating Delhi High Court Video Conferencing Rules. The plea alleges that Kejriwal and others unlawfully recorded the proceedings of a trial court when the Delhi CM was produced before it on March 28, 2024. Filed by Vaibhav Singh, a practicing lawyer, the plea accuses Kejriwal and others of not only recording the proceedings in an unauthorized manner but also sharing them on social media platforms.
According to the plea, the unauthorized recording of the proceedings was circulated on social media platforms, including Twitter, with the hashtag #MoneyTrailExposedByKejriwal. The petitioner argues that such actions indicate a deep conspiracy by political parties to tarnish the judiciary’s image and mislead the public into believing that the judiciary operates under government influence and central government pressure.
The plea further asserts that Arvind Kejriwal narrated his story, accompanied by facts, to the special judge during the trial, with the recording lasting approximately 9 to 9:30 minutes. This recording has been widely circulated on various social media platforms.
The plea also alleges that several members of the Aam Aadmi Party, along with members of various other opposition parties, intentionally and deliberately recorded the court proceedings and circulated them on social media platforms with the aim of manipulating and maligning the court proceedings.
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