The Delhi High Court on Friday will hear a plea by Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s close aide challenging his arrest in connection with the alleged assault on AAP MP Swati Maliwal at the CM’s residence earlier this month. In his petition, Kumar sought a directive to declare his arrest as illegal and in gross violation of the provisions of Section 41A of the Code of Criminal Proce dure, arguing it was against the mandate of the law. He also requested “appropriate compensation” for his “il legal” arrest, as well as the initiation of departmental action against the wrongdoing officials involved in the decision-making process. A sessions court in New Delhi dismissed Kumar’s bail plea on Monday, stating that there appeared to be no “pre-meditation” by Maliwal in filing the FIR and that her allegations could not be “swiped away”. The former DCW (Delhi Commission for Women) chief claims that Kumar assaulted her at the chief minister’s official residence on May 13.

Kumar was arrested on May 18, and a magisterial court or dered him to be held in police custody for five days the same day, citing the fact that his an ticipatory bail plea had become infructuous due to his arrest. He was ordered into four days of judicial custody last Friday. The FIR against Kumar was filed on May 16 under various Indian Penal Code (IPC) provi sions, including criminal intimi dation, assault or criminal force on a woman with the intent to disrobe, and attempted culpable homicide.