The Delhi High Court on Friday reprimanded the Delhi Commission for Protection of Child Rights (DCPCR) for filing a petition against the LG based on a press release that was never issued by the LG’s Office.
Justice Subramonium Prasad stated that the entire petition is based on a press release that was not issued by the LG’s Office. “You (DCPCR and one of the former members) have acted irresponsibly,” Justice Prasad said.
Justice Prasad also said that when you are alleging against a constitutional functionary you have to be more serious.
“Where did you get this press release from which is not in public domain,” Justice Prasad asked the counsel for DCPCR.
The court noted that an affidavit was filed on January 23, 2024, filed by response which stated that no such press release was issued.
The bench also noted that petitioner Ranjana Prasad is no longer working in the office of DCPCR.
The bench asked whether she wished to maintain the petition. The High Court directed to File an affidavit by an officer in the office of the Commission after ten days.
The matter has been listed on February 29, for further hearing.
The LG Delhi had filed an affidavit before the Delhi High Court stating that No Order was passed by him to stop funding of Delhi Commission for Protection of Child Rights (DCPCR).
The said affidavit has been filed under the order of Justice Subramonium Prasad of January 19, 2024.
An Affidavit was filed by the LG Delhi in the Delhi High Court stating that no order was issued to stop funding of DCPCR.
It is also stated that no press release of November 9, 2023, was issued or signed by the LG or his secretariat as asserted by the petitioner.