The Delhi High Court has granted additional time to former BJP MP Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh to submit a detailed note on his contentions seeking the quashing of the FIR filed against him. This development comes amidst ongoing legal proceedings related to sexual harassment allegations brought by several women wrestlers.

Singh, who faces charges stemming from accusations of sexual harassment, had requested the court for an extension to file his notes outlining arguments for dismissing the FIR. The High Court’s decision to grant the extension reflects its consideration of the complexities involved in the case.

The FIR, lodged by multiple women wrestlers, accuses Singh of serious misconduct. The case has garnered significant attention due to the high-profile nature of the accused and the gravity of the allegations. Charges against Singh have been formally framed, advancing the legal process.

The Delhi High Court has scheduled further proceedings to review Singh’s submissions and to determine the next steps in the case. This extension allows Singh’s legal team additional time to prepare their arguments and present their position to the court.

The case remains under close scrutiny, with public and media interest focused on the legal developments and the pursuit of justice for the complainants.