The Delhi High Court on Monday granted bail to two individuals accused in a murder case arising from a gunshot injury during the North Delhi riots in 2020. However, the High Court declined to grant bail to the third accused. The case revolves around the alleged murder of bystander Rahul Solanki on February 24, 2020, with the FIR registered at Dayal Pur police station in the same year.
In his decision, Justice Amit Bansal granted bail to Arif and Anish Qureshi, acknowledging that charges had been framed but prosecution evidence had not yet commenced. The bench noted that both applicants had been in judicial custody since March 9, 2020, and the chargesheet against them was filed on June 2, 2020. Subsequently, various Supplementary Chargesheets were filed, and charges were framed against the applicants. However, prosecution evidence has not started, and the trial is expected to be prolonged due to several listed witnesses.
Justice Amit Bansal observed, “The trial is likely to take a long time; the applicants can’t be kept under incarceration for an indefinite period.” Considering the facts, circumstances, and the duration of incarceration already endured by the applicants, the High Court, in its judgment on December 18, inclined to grant bail. Nevertheless, the bench denied bail to another accused, Mohd. Mustaqeem, citing prima facie evidence of his involvement in the alleged offenses.